February is here and we celebrate President’s Day which consolidates Lincoln’s birthday on February 12th and Washington’s Birthday which is February 22nd into one national Holiday so that most of us get a three day weekend. Additionally, February is Black History Month and we must celebrate the many contributions made to our nation by our African American brothers and sisters as well as other descendants from non-African cultures. It is still cold not the kind of weather to get too excited about unless you are a snow skier or ice skater.
There have been some questions about the creation of the sixth branch of the military that I want to address. I have seen a logo for Space Force and the new commander was recently sworn in, but it has been estimated that the full roll out could take up to 18 months. It appears that manning for this new branch will come out of the Department of the Air Force and installations will transfer from current Air Force properties to Space Force. Doctrine, Policies and Procedures, Regulations and other administrative and regulatory processes will take time to create and implement. I can assure you all that your Board of Directors and National office are aware and thoughtfully proceeding forward with a plan to make whatever changes are necessary in a comprehensive process.

We continue to look at potential partners to join forces with that add purpose and meaningful opportunities for our members to step up and make a difference in your communities and for our nation. We are also looking for the right fit for benefits that truly meet the need of our members and their families. Our goal is not to be like all of the other organizations out there, but to be unique. We are now an organization that represents all enlisted forces from all active, reserve and separated armed forces. Up to this point in history, no war was fought exclusively by one and only one branch of the military. It took the teamwork of all five up to this point and now going forward six branches of the military. A vibrant, educated and well trained enlisted force makes the United States military the best and most formidable fighting force ever compiled. Be proud of that!
The Non Commissioned Officers Association (NCOA) holds a unique place amongst military service organizations. We need you to help us remain in this unique position. If each one of you brought one family member or current or former member of the military into our roles, we would explode up the ranks of organizations. Can you, will you help?
If you have any ideas or suggestions, either contact headquarters or contact me at chairman@ncoausa.org and I can assure you that your leadership will take note.
Strength in Unity & Leadership By Example,
MCPO (SCW) Terry M. Haines
Chairman, International Board of Directors