September is here and with the Labor Day holiday, we unofficially celebrate the end of summer because school usually starts right afterwards, although Autumn doesn’t officially begin until September 23rd. September 11th is now called Patriots Day but for an entire generation it marks a day that began the war on terror. I remember standing in my family room getting ready for work when a nation watched in horror as planes crashed into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. 9/11/2001 marked a dramatic change in our society. It was the modern-day Pearl Harbor, but the difference was that it was happening real time in front of anyone with a television. September 15th is POW/MIA recognition Day where we remember all of those unaccounted-for members of our military. Finally, Happy birthday to the United States Air Force on September 18th.
I feel a need to remind everyone of you that the Non Commissioned Officers Association is an organization focused on advocating for and supporting our service members, past, present and future and their families. Equally important is that our chapter and our entire organization is comprised entirely of volunteers who freely give of their time and energy in an effort to meet these goals. There are some members who need to be reminded that we can’t tell people what to do like it was when we were on active duty and the military system was there to back you up. As volunteers, each one of us invests our time and energy until such a time as we feel that our investment is no longer appreciated or there is no measurable result for our time and effort.
This chapter and all other chapters as well as the significant number of members at large all joined NCOA because someone either coerced them, promised them something or showed them something that resonated with that individual. The vast number of members are now members on paper only as they have moved on to something else in their life. Work, family, church and a full spectrum of options are available to siphon off people’s time, but I have found that if something is important enough to anyone, they will find time to make it happen.
Many of you receiving this newsletter read it with interest and some just delete it, but I have hope that each member of this chapter knows that I care about them and would do anything to assist within my power. I do appreciate each of you! Some of you have helped with the Medallion program. Some have contributed funds from time to time for chapter projects. Some have gone with me to conference and helped make the Rogue Chapter the Best NCOA Chapter that we can be. We impact our community and the NCOA and for that I am grateful. May God Bless you all.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, either contact me at and I can assure you that your leadership will take note.
Strength in Unity & Leadership By Example,
MCPO (SCW) Terry M. Haines, USNR Retired
Chairman, Rogue Chapter #1260