Happy 246th Birthday to the United States Navy on October 13th. Also, thank a fireman the weekend of October 2-3. Whether a local firefighter within your community or those fighting fires in forests and on rangeland across this country; we owe you a lot for what you do.
I am excited to report that your Board of Director’s own SMSGT Gerald Morey, has been instrumental in the formation of our newest Chapter, the Tornado Alley Chapter at Offutt AFB, NE. Congratulations are due to all of those NCOA members that stepped up to bring that chapter into existence. A Navy Bravo Zulu to my brothers and sisters in the United States Air Force for this accomplishment.
With such a small staff at NCOA, it is an overwhelming task to maintain a clean and current membership database. For the 2nd time, we have contracted with a firm, PCI, to update our membership files, provide an opportunity for those who choose to obtain a book with member information that each member chooses to make available. In return, NCOA will clean up our member roles, hopefully get some members to renew and perhaps even recruit a few new members and most importantly, the association will receive much needed financial support. This is not a scam and per the contract, none of the information provided can or will be used by outside firms or be sold to telemarketers. While this process is not perfect, please do not overwhelm our limited staff with complaints. It is important to know that you are under no obligation to purchase anything.
The five year Strategic Plan was released in late August. Copies have been sent to all chapters and it has been posted on our website and placed in the NCOAdvocate. There are many opportunities for each of you to either share some of your time or experience or just provide some feedback. Committees are being formed and opportunities exist for each of you to be part of NCOA history. If interested and you have skills or experience in finance, membership development to include benefit development, event planning, communication, social media, fund raising, professional development or history, please let either Joe Terry or myself know and we will get you hooked up with the right people.
Finally, our NCOA recruiting goal that will run until our next conference is 1200 new members from any category of membership. There will be Visa cards as prizes if we recruit a minimum of 1,000 new members. Do your part and recruit at least one new member and you will be entered into the contest. You just need to put E1R1 2022 on the application where it says promo code and you will be entered.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, either contact headquarters or contact me at retiredveteran89@outlook.com and I can assure you that your leadership will take note.
Strength in Unity & Leadership By Example,
MCPO (SCW) Terry M. Haines
Chairman, International Board of Directors