August is upon us and I want to take a moment to wish the United States Coast Guard happy birthday. They were established on August 4, 1790 and have done this nation proud for hundreds of years. August 4, 1964 also marked the beginning of the Vietnam War; a war that impacted many of our more seasoned members and one that surely had a significant impact on our nation. August 14, 1945 also marks the day Japan surrendered to end the war in the Pacific.

Last month the association met in San Antonio for the first time in two years thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was great to see many of you and I only wish that many more would have been able to attend.
It is always a highlight of each conference to recognize our Vanguard heroes from each branch and to recognize the Best Small and Large Chapters as well as the Best Auxiliary of the Year. I have to write this before the conference so please forgive me by not specifying which chapters have won. I will be on vacation immediately following the conference and then attending a leadership event focusing on suicide prevention.
At this year’s conference, your association will be introducing our first strategic plan that will cover the next 3-5 years of NCOA’s future. Goals will be introduced as well as a blueprint for how those goals will be achieved, how they can be monitored as we progress towards achievement of those goals and who will be responsible for each piece of the puzzle. It is our intention to make this document in its final form available to all members because we want each component that makes up NCOA as an association to all be marching in the same direction. We will be communicating opportunities for every single member, if you are willing, to own one piece of the puzzle. Many of you have skills that will be valuable to help make NCOA the best that it can be. After the conference, we will communicate via our website, Facebook, and other social media as well as through the NCOAdvocate where the needs exist. I encourage all of you that if you have a skill and a small amount of time to please consider helping.
If you have any ideas or suggestions, either contact headquarters or contact me at and I can assure you that your leadership will take note.
Strength in Unity & Leadership By Example,
MCPO (SCW) Terry M. Haines
Chairman, International Board of Directors